Genetic Technologies Limited

Maize for Silage

Growing and Harvest Cost Guide

The costs to grow, harvest and store maize silage are estimates only based on a sample of contractor rates, typical industry charges and product costs. All costs exclude sT and are indicative as at 31 March 2024. Given the volatility of farm input prices over the last few months, we encourage you to complete your own budget prior to the start of the growing season.

To use this cost guide, enter your own growing and harvesting costs in the "My costs" column. For help and notes on this table refer to the assumptions on the next page.

2024-25 Average Estimated Cost
(exclusive of GST)
    Average estimated costs ($/ha) My costs ($/ha)
Growing costs Typical fertility High fertility My farm ($/ha)
Pre Planting Cost of leased land1 ? ?
Soil test, other 10 10
Spraying out pasture including glyphosate 75 75
Lime including cartage and application2 165 0
Base fertiliser cost including application2 450 0
Cultivation: to planting specifications3 470 470
Planting Pioneer® brand P9978 maize seed @ 1.30# or 1.35## bags/ha 665 695
FAR maize seed levy ($8.00/80,000 kernels @ 1.30# or 1.35## bags/ha) 10 10
LumiGEN™ System L-400 seed treatment @ 1.30# or 1.35## bags/ha 170 180
Starter fertiliser cost including application2 260 0
Planting 210 210
Post planting Pre emergence weed control (herbicide + application) 120 120
Post emergence weed control (herbicide + application) 120 120
Sidedress nitrogen cost including application2 325 0
Interest on maize expenditure (7 months @ 8%) 145 95
Total growing cost $3,195 $1,980
Down arrow
Harvest costs
Harvesting Harvesting and stacking 1460 1460
Covering 250 250
Pioneer® brand 11C33RR maize specific inoculant 345 345
Total harvest cost $2,055 $2,055

Total growing and harvest costs

$5,250 $4,035
Expected yield and cost per unit
Maize silage yield (tDM) in the stack
Maize silage cost per kgDM in the stack (c/kgDM)
Maize silage cost per MJME (c/MJME)

*Rounded to the nearest five dollars
#Typical fertility
##High fertility

Maize silage drymatter cost

Research has shown that maize can be grown in high fertility dairy farm paddocks, including those with a history of effluent application, without the need for additional fertiliser.

The table below gives indicative drymatter costings for both high and typical maize growing environments. High fertility environments include dairy paddocks coming out of long-term pasture, as well as paddocks with a history of effluent application. Typical fertility environments include run-out pasture paddocks and repeat cropping blocks. Very low fertility paddocks including repeat cropping blocks are likely to require additional fertiliser nutrinets depending on a number of factors including maize crop yield and winter management system. Always soil test maize paddocks and apply nutrients according to the results.

Drymatter yield per hectare and cost per kg drymatter
and per megajoule of metabolisable energy

  Maize silage drymatter costs
  Low fertility paddock High fertility paddock
tDM/ha Maize silage cost per kgDM
in the stack (c/kgDM)
Maize silage cost
per MJME (c/MJME)
Maize silage cost per
kgDM in the stack (c/kgDM)
Maize silage cost per
Maize silage yield (tDM) in the stack 16 34.6 3.21 - -
18 30.8 2.85 21.9 2.03
20 27.7 2.56 19.7 1.82
22 25.2 2.33 17.9 1.66
24 23.1 2.14 16.4 1.52
26 21.3 1.97 15.2 1.40
28 19.8 1.83 14.1 1.30
30 - - 13.1 1.22


  1. Average land rentals have not been included because of large regional variations. Provision to consider land rental has been included in the My Cost column.
  2. Fertiliser and lime application rates vary according to soil pH and nutrient status and crop yield targets. Always soil test maize paddocks and seek professional advice to develop a nutrient application plan.
  3. Cultivation costs will vary depending on soil types, land class and cropping history.
  4. Cost for Pioneer® brand 11C33RR are based on inoculating a 22 tDM/ha crop.
  5. Maize silage cost per MJME assumes a maize silage energy content of 10.8 MJME/kgDM.
  6. Farmers growing maize silage for sale are usually responsible for costs up to and including side dressing nitrogen application.
  7. The amount of pasture lost during the maize growing season will vary between paddocks, farms and districts. The value of pasture lost during the maize growing season has not been considered in the calculation of the maize silage drymatter cost.
  8. The cost and benefits of regrassing have not been included.


The information in this calculator is general in nature and is not intended to be a representation of actual costs. We do no accept any responsibility or liability (whether as a result of negligence or otherwise) for any loss of any kind that may arise from actions based on the contents of this calculator or otherwise in connection with the use of this calculator.