Genetic Technologies Limited

100% Replant Policy

100% Seed Replant Terms & Conditions

Subject to the conditions below, if:

  1. a grower has ordered Pioneer® brand hybrid maize seed before 5pm on Friday 31st July 2022 in accordance with these terms and conditions,
  2. the grower has planted that Pioneer® brand hybrid maize seed during Spring 2022,
  3. within two months of the date of planting, the grower notifies GTL that their Pioneer® brand hybrid maize crop needs replanting,
  4. the affected area is assessed as requiring replanting by a Pioneer representative, and
  5. the grower replants Pioneer® brand hybrid maize seed for harvesting in 2023 and the decision to replant is approved by a Pioneer representative,
  6. 50% replant cover for any orders placed after the 31st of July 2022

GTL will provide full replacement seed at no cost for the affected Pioneer® brand hybrid maize seed for the grower to replant.

Click the link to find your local Pioneer Area Manager: Find your local Pioneer rep - Pioneer