Genetic Technologies Limited
Hybrid P8666 P8666

P8666 Maize Grain Hybrid

High performance hybrid with excellent agronomic properties.

A tall imposing plant with strong all-round agronomics, superior drought tolerance, Northern Leaf Blight resistance and staygreen.

  • Good husk cover, very good drydown and delivers top grain yields for maturity, with superior test weights.
  • Large-framed hybrid so established plant populations should be approximately 10,000 per hectare lower than planted for P8805.
  • Widely adapted from Dargaville to Ashburton where a hybrid of this maturity is required.

P8666 is intermediate in maturity between P8500 and P8805.

Recommended established plant
populations (000's/ha)

Challenging yield environments


Medium yield environments


High yield environments


Recommended growing regions

Hybrid Region Map

CRM 86

Drought Tolerance 8

Stalk Strength 5

Root Strength 5

Early Growth 8

Plant Height 8

Ear Height 6

Staygreen 8

Husk Cover 6

Grain Drydown 7


Seed tag colour

Maize for grain hybrid performance information

Feature hybrid Comparison hybrid Number of trials Harvest moisture difference (%)1 Yield advantage (kgDM/ha)2 Statistical significance3
P8666 Comet 20 -0.1 1362 starstar
P8666 Delitop 15 -1.6 2112 starstarstar
P8666 P8000 15 0.2 1701 starstar
P8666 P8500 20 0.2 375 NS
P8666 P8805 14 0 367 NS
Manawatu, Rangitikei, Horowhenua & Canterbury
P8666 Booster 13 -0.9 2448 starstarstar
P8666 Delitop 18 -1.4 2005 starstarstar
P8666 P8000 29 0.5 2202 starstarstar
P8666 P8333 26 0.3 766 starstarstar
P8666 P8805 39 0.2 94 NS
P8666 P9400 14 -0.5 148 NS

Scientific Designation

star 1 star 2 star 3 = very highly significant yield advantage to Pioneer

star 1 star 2 = highly significant yield advantage to Pioneer

star 1 = significant yield advantage to Pioneer

NS = not significant

CA = commercially acceptable

1 Positive HM differences means the bolded hybrid was drier at harvest, negative HM differences mean it was wetter.

2 A positive yield advantage means the bolded hybrid produced more yield, a negative yield advantage means it produced less.

3 For information on statistical significance click here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Hybrid comparisons are only valid within a range of + or - 4 CRM. These descriptions mainly feature product strengths. When choosing hybrids, also review carefully the trait ratings found in the table here. Contact your local Pioneer Area Manager or merchant representative for further advice.

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